How many days does my child have to attend a Funded Kinder Program?

The Federal Government offers Child Care Subsidy (CCS) to eligible families to offset childcare and Kindergarten Fees, in an integrated setting (long day care, as we offer at AWELC)

Both Integrated and Sessional Kinder now receive a State Government Subsidy called the Free Kinder subsidy

For an Integrated Kinder program, the Free Kinder Subsidy is $2000 that is applied as a credit to each family’s Centre Account in periodic payments across the calendar year

Sessional Kinder Fees do not attract CCS to offset their Fees – we advise contacting a sessional Kinder directly to clarify their Fees

Click to go to the Child Care Subsidy Calculator

Can my child attend Sessional Kinder and the AWELC Kinder as a funded child?

A family cannot have a child attending two Kinder Programs as a Funded placement at the same time, but can change from one to another. A child may also attend as an unfunded child in an Integrated Kinder Program, should a Centre have capacity for this arrangement.

Does Integrated and Sessional have the same curriculum?

Yes, they both use The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) is the basis for the curriculum in Early Childhood Education in Victoria.

Click for more info on VEYLDF

It is used in both Sessional & Integrated Kindergarten Programs, with the only differences being the environment and the Teacher.

At what age can my child attend a funded 3 and 4yo Kinder?

Both 4yo and 3yo Funded Kinder require that a child has turned 4 or 3 years of age respectively BEFORE APRIL 30th that year in order to be eligible to enter the Funded Kinder Programs.

It is recommended that a 3yo be toilet trained or undergoing toilet training by March of that year in a Funded Kinder Program.

When do I apply for a Funded Kinder placement?

At AWELC we begin the following year Enrolment process in April, (however you can approach us any time throughout the year) and will ask families to indicate their preference at that time for a Funded placement in our Kinder Program. First round offers are usually made in September each subsequent offers that are available will be made monthly up to January of the following year.

What are the main differences between Integrated Kinder & Sessional Programs?

AWELC Integrated Kinder Sessional Kinder
Provides meals and snacks Do not provide food
Is open 7am to 6pm 50 weeks of the year Is open only 40 weeks, following school Terms
Allows your child to have a place in the Service all year and your child can be dropped off and collected from the Service at any time during operating hours of the Service Sessional Kinder requires that children arrive and are collected at set times
Fees may be higher than Sessional Fees depending on your eligibility for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Do not attract for Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

I thought Kinder was free – why am I charged Fees?

The Federal Government offers Child Care Subsidy (CCS) to eligible families to offset childcare and Kindergarten Fees, in an integrated setting (long day care, as we offer at AWELC)

Both Integrated and Sessional Kinder now receive a State Government Subsidy called the Free Kinder subsidy

For an Integrated Kinder program, the Free Kinder Subsidy is $2000 that is applied as a credit to each family’s Centre Account in periodic payments across the calendar year

Sessional Kinder Fees do not attract CCS to offset their Fees – we advise contacting a sessional Kinder directly to clarify their Fees

Click to go to the Child Care Subsidy Calculator

What does Funded mean?

The State Govt provide a Centre with funding for each child attending in a Funded place, to assist in the cost of running a Kindergarten Program (Funding does not discount a family Fees)