Competitive Fees
AWELC aim to keep our fees as affordable and market competitive as possible. Fees are reviewed by the Committee of Management in accordance with Award wage increases and other sector costs associated with providing high quality early years education and care. Families are given a minimum of 14 days notice before any fee increase takes effect.
Prior to commencing at the service please contact Centrelink to determine whether your family is eligible to receive the Childcare Subsidy (CCS) as these entitlements may reduce your child’s fees. For more information please visit the MyGov website run by the Australian Government. They have a range of fact sheets with information on childcare as well as all available fee assistance that you may be eligible for.
You can access further information on the MyGov Website
AWELC offers all-inclusive fees which includes fresh and healthy meals, linen, nappies, extra-curricular activities, In-Service Learning Sessions, and excursions. Please contact us directly for current fee information.
We offer flexible session hours to enable families to get the most out of their eligible funding under the childcare subsidy. Flexible sessions allow us to accommodate your individual family requirements and ensure your child has access to the care and education they deserve.
- A full day
- 10-hour session
Contact us to discuss how your eligible hours can be optimised, and which sessions are best suited to your requirements.
Operating Hours
Monday to Friday
6:45 am
6:15 pm
Victorian Public Holidays
Summer Shutdown
Professional Development Day
(1 per year)