Welcome to the Airport West Early Learning Cooperative.
Airport West Early Learning Cooperative (AWELC) was established in 1988
as a Not-for-Profit stand-alone Centre. AWELC is supported by Moonee
Valley City Council and managed by a volunteer parent Committee of Management
in conjunction with our Centre Manager and 2IC/Educational Leader.
AWELC employs a diverse range of Teachers and Educators to deliver the
Learning Programs for the children attending the Centre; our small Team
represents over 120 years of experience in the sector, something we are
proud to share.
At AWELC we cater for children from 3 months of age through to school
age and we provide both a 3yo and a 4yo Funded Kindergarten programs
as part of our Curriculum.
July 2021 had our Centre undergo the Industry Assessment and Rating
process, for which we received a Rating of MEETING in all seven Quality Areas.
Thank you for your consideration of our Centre for your child – we look
forward to hearing from you!